Sexual Medicine & Sex Therapy


Sexual health is strongly linked to our well-being and to our quality of life. Since beginning my advanced training in psychiatry, I have been aware of the tremendous need for people to share thoughts about their sexuality – and often related issues.

What is sexual medicine?

Issues include: sexual dysfunctions, conflictual processing of sexual preference and fantasies, problems withsexual orientationor gender identity.

Why sex therapy / couple therapy?

At the same time, we often find it difficult to talk about it because of stereotypes. As a result, an often unsatisfying sexual life leads to the maintenance and reinforcement of psychological problems, such as depression, anxiety disorders, and addictions.

Sexuality is a very important part of us. Therefore, you cannot fight against your own sexuality, but should learn to live it out in a healthy way. Every question, every thought is welcome with me.

I will help you find answers and solutions to any kind of problem related to sexuality. I attach great importance to a trusting therapeutic relationship.

Services in sexualmedicine and sex therapy

  • sexual dysfunction: Loss of sexual desire, orgasmic disturbances, pain during intercourse, vaginismus, erectile dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculation.
  • Problematic sexual behavior, hypersexuality (out of control sexual behaviors).
  • Problems with sexual preference and sexual behaviors
  • gender dysphoria
  • Couples counseling and therapy, rediscovering yourself as a couple
  • Sexuality in the case of illness or disability, e.g. after operations, in the case of cancer, in the case of chronic illnesses.
  • Sexual dysfunction due to medication
  • Sexuality in old age

The sessions can be held in German but also in English and Greek.